Simple Steps for Spring Cleaning Your Online Content

Spring might be the time that most people think about clearing the junk out of their cupboards and making a fresh start, but it’s important to remember that de-cluttering can be just as useful at any time of the year. If you’re weighing your website down with old, irrelevant, and stale content, it could be the perfect indication that you need to stop, take stock, polish off some of the things that have grown grimy, and get rid of the garbage. Online content management could be the ideal first step.

Spring cleaning your online content in this way is useful for small business owners and marketers, as it allows them to check out the different facets of online content that they have produced, and remove or refurbish anything that is out of date or simply not up to scratch. Here are some steps that could make clearing out crummy content a great deal easier:


1. Consider Adding something New

Look at your webpages and ask yourself a few simple questions. Does your reader or visitor have everything they need right there on that one page, or could it benefit from something else? For example, are there strong calls to action present? Internal navigation and links to contact forms? Now is a good time for you to establish that you have all of the website essentials in place. If you’re struggling, then contact a professional content writer for some additional assistance.

2. Audit Yourself

This can be somewhat time consuming, but it’s also worth it. Good web content management means being able to observe your copy and decide what doesn’t need to be there anymore. Read through all of your content and appraise whether any of the copy that you have produced or published in the past may need to be refreshed. Additionally, don’t forget that the evergreen areas of your website, such as the FAQ section or Home Page can still benefit from a refresher every now and again.

3. Rewrite Your Social Media Profiles

This includes everything from your LinkedIn details to your Facebook and Twitter biography. The last thing that you want is for your profile to become stale and boring. Keep your followers on their toes by freshening up what you’re offering every couple of years.


4. Think about Your Blog Online Content

Ask yourself how many times you have been posting to your blog on a monthly basis, and what kind of traction you’ve been getting. If you find that your blogging has been relatively unorganized or sporadic, then you may need to get yourself organized and ensure that you’re posting content at the right times, for the right people. A web content management strategy can help with this, by ensuring that you always have a new post exactly when you need it.

5. Check Out Your Reviews

Make sure that you get a good idea of where you stand amongst your customers and peers. 88% of consumers trust reviews online just as much as personal recommendations. If you don’t have a great deal of reviews in your website, then you might consider sending some friendly emails to your best customers, asking them whether they would care to offer some feedback. Often, testimonials can be a great way of putting cautious clients at ease when they visit your website for the first time, so don’t be afraid to ask for them.

To learn more about copywriting, content production and designing the perfect online presence, subscribe to my blog, or contact me to hire your very own professional content provider.