Let’s face it, taking over the marketing world today is tough, regardless of how impressive your master plan may be. The biggest challenges that most companies face is that there is more content out there competing for audience attention than ever before. That means that if you latest blog entry, article or press release isn’t compelling enough, the text that you spent weeks working on might be overshadowed instantly by a video featuring kittens.
If you really want to make sure that you’re getting attention with your content marketing strategy, then your content can’t simply be adequate – it has to be extraordinary.
So, how do you deliver remarkable content?
Have the Right Voice
Your content needs to answer the question that pervades through the minds of every customer out there: “What’s in it for me?”
Chances are, regardless of how bespoke your product, service, or idea may be, your audience will have other options to choose from, so you need to deliver an experience that speaks directly to them. Start off by defining who your audience actually is, and categorize your readers into different personas.
The personas that you find should be able to guide you towards creating a content strategy that speaks specifically to your target market. In simple terms, if the content that you create is specifically answering or responding to the needs and interests of your target consumer, then it’s going to be far more powerful than any generic blog written for an undefined, broader audience.
At the beginning, this might mean that you have to cut down the amount of content you create on a weekly basis and focus on quality instead. You don’t necessarily need to set arbitrary metrics for the amount of words you churn out with each blog post. Start by developing the story, and the appropriate length will make itself known.
Content is An Experience
One of the main reasons why a content marketing strategy is so essential today, is that nearly every company’s product or service is easy to duplicate or re-create in some form or another. Simply marketing your product by telling everyone how great it is, isn’t enough to rake in the big conversions.
Instead, your marketing itself must deliver value. Your customers today aren’t loyal to your product per se, but rather the experience that you create around it. Develop an experience that makes your customer want to interact and engage with you, and success will follow.
Inspire Excitement in Your Buyers
Experience-focused and highly engaging content isn’t just a great way of drawing in an audience – it can also help to ensure that your readers stay eager for more. Aim to create an emotional connection and voice that is true to your brand. Heartfelt or hilarious content – even outrage at a particular change in the industry – anything that makes you more human helps to connect you with your audience.
Strong content needs to weave along the entire journey of your buyer, consistently building anticipation for the next step. In order to deliver content that attracts and retains the customers of today, most brands will need to re-evaluate and examine how they approach content creation.
For help making an impact with your content, and finding your voice, contact me via email or get in touch through my handy contact form.