Most people with blogs and articles to post find that they spend more time searching for the perfect stock photo than they do crafting an ideal call to action. Generally, the problem revolves around the idea that CTAs are simple – just tell your reader what to do and you’re done.
Unfortunately, that’s not actually the case.
There’s actually way more involved in creating effective CTAs that convince your readers to subscribe to your blog, access your services or download an eBook – and if you’re not being cautious with your strategy, then you could be getting less conversions than you’re worth.
Whether you’re writing content yourself, or utilizing the skills of a web content provider, one of the best things that you can do is start checking your CTAs for obvious mistakes. With that in mind, here are some of the most common mistakes people make on their Calls to Action.
Using your CTAs on Just your Landing Pages
It’s important to include CTAs on the landing page of your website, but that doesn’t mean that this should be the only place that they show up. CTAs actually belong hidden within every blog post and webpage, as well as on your newsletters and marketing emails – anything that can give you more leads.
Whenever you’re interacting with a potential lead, you should direct them with a call to action – as you never want someone to simply read your content and walk away – you want them to move further through the sales funnel.
Failing to Focus on Benefit
Generally, the best calls to action are the ones that remind your consumer of what you can do for them. Try and use Calls to Action such as “Grow my Traffic” or “Find a Great Copywriter”, rather than simply sticking to the old fashioned “Download now” button. Your web content provider might be able to help you come up with a few ideas, but you should also try to come up with some concepts yourself.
On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use actionable language. Make sure that whatever you’re asking your lead to do is clear and simple
You’re Begging for Sales
Your call to action isn’t really there to convert new visitors into customers – instead it is a manner of nurturing leads through the sales funnel one delicate step at a time. When people are looking for a copywriter and they find my page, I expect them to want to do some research before they hire me. In the same vein, it’s important for you to be patient and ask for the sale when and where it is appropriate.

Your Call to Action is hard to See
One of the best ways to make sure that nobody clicks on your CTA is using crowded pages with tiny buttons and misplaced calls to action. If you have elements that are constantly competing for your customer’s attention, then your call to action can end up getting lost in the crowd. Try making your call loud, visually appealing and bold.
To learn more about blogging, SEO, and calls to action, check out the other posts on my blog. Visit my contact page to hire a web content writer, blogger and marketer capable of making your website more successful.